Sunday, October 12, 2008

Interview Reflection

Were you nervous? How did you deal with this?

Going into the interview I was nervous simply because I was running as little late. I defeat nervouness by drinking water or soda and that is what I did as I scrambled to Angela's office.
2. Did you get any questions that threw you? How did you handle those questions?

The question about "why do you want to come here?" thrwe me off a little becuase I didtnt really give it much thought going into the interview. I focused on why I wanted to studt economics in general but not specifically why I liked a certain program.

3. If you could do the interview again, what would you do differently?

I would explain the research that I did a little better. I felt tha I used too much jargon and should have made it more easy to understand. I should have walked thorugh the entire data collection process in more simpler terms

4. What did you learn from this experience?

I leraned that interviews do not have to be stressful as long as you take them as an opportunity to learn and display your qualifications.

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